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SEER2 is the measure of an air conditioning unit's energy efficiency. Since "more than half of energy use in homes is for heating and air conditioning," according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, it is good to know your yearly savings with a new energy-efficient air conditioning unit.   

At Brown's, we understand that a new air conditioning unit is a huge investment, so we want you to understand how that will impact your budget. Compare your current unit SEER to a new higher SEER2 unit to see how much you could be saving. If you want to learn more about industry standards, where to find your SEER Rating, or just need more information, please check out our blog SEER Ratings - What Do They Mean & Industry Updates.


Another way Brown's is helping you save money is through our partnership with the SMUD Contractor Network. SMUD offers up to $3,500 in rebates when you convert from gas to a high efficient (18 SEER2 or more) electric HVAC system. We apply for the rebate through SMUD for you, so you don't have to worry about the paperwork. For more information, contact our office (916) 402-8290 or review the program guidelines on the SMUD website


*Based on peak rates


*Based on peak rates
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